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With All My Heart, Thank You So Much xx
Lisa, Australia

Heterosexual Couple From Booral In Australia Looking For Egg Donors

Jas Heterosexual Couple Profile

My husband and me 2014


My husband and me 2016

My husband 2015
Date Registered: 02 Mar 2016 Last Modified: 03 Mar 2016 Last Signed In: 12 Jul 2016
Added To 5 Favourites Couple Signed In 1 Times Been Sent 19 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of Heterosexual Couple

Heterosexual Couple From Booral In Australia Looking For Egg Donors Between The Ages Of 20 And 30 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Heterosexual Couple

Name: Jas
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Booral
Region: New South Wales
Country: Australia

Heterosexual Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: Chinese
Race: Asian Chinese
Couple Type: Heterosexual Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Medical Expenses: Up To 15000 Pounds
Number Of Children: 0
We Are Looking For: Egg Donor,
Aged Between: 20 To 30 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Any Country
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: Any Nationality

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

My husband has sperm quality issues so we had gone through IVF process 3 times in the past 6 years. Unfortunately, all have failed. Now as we are growing older, especially me turning into 43 soon, my egg quality dropped significantly. Since eggs from younger women are much easier to conceive, we would like to make some last try by using donor eggs.

Description Of Us:

My husband and I have been happily married for 13 years knowing each other for 27 years as we were high school classmates and went to same university yet we still enjoy every minute we spent together and walk hand in hand every day. we are very grateful for everything happened in our lives. We both are loving and friendly people, family type. We have successful career, and now residing on a beautiful country side in New South Wales Austrlia where we want to raise our kids. We believe in working hard playing hard. We love animals and nature. We traveled a lot, snorkeling in summer and skiing in winter. We have broad interests such as reading, especially by the fireplace in winter evening, traveling, swimming, kayaking, horse riding, flower nursery, home renovation...... Among all we love skiing most! We adopted 3 stray dogs in past 11 years and we really hope a child or some children could complete our family. Life is such a wonderful thing and we really want to share it with our children. Watching them growing up must feel like a second life. We are very confident that we will make them happy with our company and vice versa. For our donor, we can't express enough gratitude for helping us complete our dream and family with such a blessed gift!

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

To our potential donor, we can’t express enough gratitude for the most precious gift! We are very willing to pay for all your cost, time and efforts. We are very open minded and we don't think much of race and nationality as each race has its own uniqueness and charm, and we are all part of a big family called human. However, we do need our donor be healthy and non-smoker, 20-30 years old, preferably with dark hair. Not that we are picky on hair colors, actually I like both dark and light hair, they all look pretty! Just because my husband and I both have dark hair, and we are a bit concerned if our kids happen to have, for example, complete blond hair, it might raise too many questions or discussions and thus giving pressure to the kids before they are ready. As my husband and I both have strong academic background, it would be very natural for our children to pursue similar course, therefore we would prefer our donor has similar background. However knowing that every child is born differently, we definitely will support them if they want to pursue a different career / life. We want to be very open with our kids about their genetic mother who had lovingly given them lives when they are old enough and we would love to share the precious moments of their growth with you if that's the way you like. Of cause if you don't want to keep contact we also understand it and will respect your decision. Again, thank you very much for your kind heart!


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