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Heterosexual Couple From Devonport In Australia Looking For Surrogate Mothers

Emma Heterosexual Couple Profile

Date Registered: 27 Feb 2013 Last Modified: 27 Feb 2013 Last Signed In: 27 Feb 2013
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Brief Summary Of Heterosexual Couple

Heterosexual Couple From Devonport In Australia Looking For Surrogate Mothers Between The Ages Of 20 And 35 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Heterosexual Couple

Name: Emma
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Devonport
Region: Tasmania
Country: Australia

Heterosexual Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: Australian
Race: Caucasian
Couple Type: Heterosexual Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Number Of Children: 2
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother,
Aged Between: 20 To 35 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Australia
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: Any Nationality

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

I am looking for a surrogate mother as I am unable to have any more children due to a partial hysterectomy about 8 years ago. I always wanted a bigger family and I feel quite down as it seems everyone around me is becoming pregnant, or trying to become pregnant at thts point in time. I find it so hard, I just feel I want another baby so much, it hurts.

Description Of Us:

I am a 32 year old social worker working as a mental health clinician, looking after people with mental health conditions, it is a difficult and demanding job. I am alos studying my Masters at the moment via distance. I love children and often have different family members children over on weekends, we have alos just been appproved to do some respite foster care after many interviews, training etc. Children are my life.

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

Hi I am a 32 year old with a partner of over 11 years. I am a social worker working as a mental health clinician, looking after people with mental health conditions, it is a difficult and demanding job. I am alos studying my Masters at the moment via distance. I love children and often have different family members children over on weekends, we have also just been appproved to do some respite foster care after many interviews, training etc. Children are my life. I would dearly love a baby, I am currently finding life very difficult as all of my friends/family members are going through th e process of pregnancy. I am able to put on a happy face for them, and to be excited for their joy because I know how much it means to hold a little life in your hands that you have created, but then I am a wreck, thinking how unfair and cruel life can be. My only wish is to have the chance to add to our family. Please considr being our surrogate, I abe no-body in my family I can ask, and my best friend had said she would do it for me as she knows how much it means to me, howevere she hs just gone through her first pregnancy and was in and out of hospital with high blood pressure, leaking fluid from around bub, and severe morning sickness. As much as I want a baby, I cannot ask her as I just couldnt cope if she was to get so ill becoming prergnant again. I am devastated, but also love her to pieces, and dont want to see her go through pain. I am all over the place emotionally at the moment, I'm not even sure what to say to you - if there are certain things you need to hear that would help you decide to be our surrogate. I just hope you will consider us, it would mean the world to myself and my partner Tim. I think people doing surrogacy for another is the greatest gift you could ever give, and if it was the other way around I would happily carry anothers child for them. It is an amzing gift, and I promise you, my partner and I deserve this. We are good people, who do alot for others. We have even been attending church lately, praying to God that we will be blessed with a baby. Thanskyou for reading, I hope I have conveyed my sorrow and sesperation well - my partner Tim doesnt know what to even say to me anymore, due to my constant tearfullness. Thankyou for taking the timer to read my letter.


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