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Dor & Sar, Australia

Sandra , Female Polish Surrogate Mother From Poland

Sandra Surrogate Mother Profile

Date Registered: 06 Sep 2010 Last Modified: 15 Sep 2010 Last Signed In: 26 Jan 2011
Added To 1 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 20 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Surrogate Mother

I\'am a 37 year old Female Polish national from Kedzierzyn Kozle in Poland, I would like to be a Surrogate Mother for Heterosexual Couples. I have Brown hair and Brown Eyes With 17-19 Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Surrogate Mother

Name: Sandra
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Kedzierzyn Kozle
Region: Opolskie
Country: Poland

Surrogate Mother Information

Nationality: Polish
Race: Other
Age: 37
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Surrogate Mother
Have Been A Surrogate Mother:: No
Years Of Education: 17-19 Years
My Height Is: 160 cm
My Weight Is: 100 Lbs
My Health Is: Good
My Blood Type Is: A
My Marital Status Is: Married
Number Of Children I Have Is: 1
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Brown
My Health Is: Good

The Reasons I Want To Be A Surrogate Mother:

I wanted to help the childless couple to go with the Polish and may in another life for himself where the husband finds a convenient work so we can ensure the future of our child.

Description Of Myself:

I am a firm, confident, ambitious and very hardworking like to order, and responsibility dyscypiline I always try to strive for a designated purpose and fulfill their dreams

My Letter To You:

Results of search in the most I would like a pair of Polish-Dutch because I want his family to go to Holland and if it would have succeeded under the bilateral assistance that we wanted to arrange my life in this country because we do not have a job and there is no way to I was born pretty healthy already had one daughter, the pregnancy proceeded without complications with the pregnancy I had no problem, eat healthy eating the most expensive vitamins that are in Poland "Feminatal 400 + DHA," what good effect on the development of the lens and spinal cord injury in babies born by Caesarean section because the labor 23.5 h does not change the regular contractions but no opening. Today my daughter is one year old is a wonderfully beautiful develops between birth and never once was sick, and we hope that the picture of health will continue to have nearly the same terms and says a single word is smiling and is a mother's daughter does not leave me even for a moment with me everywhere As I put it all your love I hope you give someone just that what I have. during pregnancy begun to carry her diary I have all of her pictures from the ultrasound test results, a movie from the 4D ultrasound her little socks she had rings on the handle after childbirth pictures from the hospital and the mass of pictures after birth. Please odezwijcie to me I'll be a good surrogate mother Yours sincerely


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This Is A Fantastic Opportunity For Surrogates To Meet Intended Parents. Thank You.
megan, United States